Good Thinking Psychological ServicesFeb 23, 20222 minWhat is ear acupuncture and how does it work? Treatment for depression, anxiety, trauma and more! By Sarah, Auricular Acupuncturist, Mental Health Nurse & DBT informed therapist. Acupuncture is a technique based on traditional Chinese...
Good Thinking Psychological ServicesDec 6, 20213 minIncreasing your capacity for kindness! By Dr Marianne Trent, Clinical Psychologist I read something today, which really connected with me. I really liked it. So, I thought I...
Good Thinking Psychological ServicesJun 10, 20213 minWhat did lockdown teach us about getting the right person for the right task?By Dr Marianne Trent, Clinical Psychologist, Course creator & Author What is that peculiar smudge on my nail & why, for me, did it...