Dr Marianne Trent, Clinical Psychologist is the lead author for this unique project which has been described as:
'A must read for those who have suffered loss of any kind!'

Are you grieving?
Do you want to understand & support someone who is?
Perhaps you’re wanting to understand your own grief or that of someone you care about?
The Grief Collection: Stories of Life, Loss & Learning to Heal is a unique collection of 54 stories written by real people who have experienced grief in their own lives.
It gives readers the opportunity to learn about grief & be supported with it by the experts – the people who have experienced it themselves. It also acts as great future proofing so that we can open the conversation of grief even if it has not yet touched your life. It has broad appeal & could be used by professionals too.
The stories depict grief, bereavement & even the most difficult aspects of grief including complex / complicated grief. The narratives describe how grief can be an entirely destabilising experience to endure.
Each story is told in the unique style of the person who wrote it. The contributors talk about what helped them to cope at the time & since. They also describe helpful resources such as therapies, support groups & books.
The Grief Collective includes a wide variety of grief themes including cancer, dementia, stroke, suicide, loss of a relationship, miscarriage / stillbirth, accidental death, COVID-19, death of pets & the death of people whom relationships were difficult when they were alive.
It builds a truly modern, diverse picture of grief & allows readers to feel validated & normalised. If you’re struggling with grief or know someone who is it’s likely that some of the things you’re feeling are also described within this book.
Contributors range in age from late teens to 70's & are from across the U.K & internationally. They all write wonderfully & the opportunity to gain an insight into the lives & thoughts of others is a real privilege.
The lead author, Dr Marianne Trent is a Clinical Psychologist. Her own Father died in 2017 & the support she received at the time & since has inspired her work. This is Marianne’s first book. She has been interviewed live on the BBC News & written for The Guardian, The Telegraph, Huff Post, Platinum Magazine & Grazia Daily.
To buy your copy click the Buy Now button below.

Amazon Customer
I wish this powerful & insightful book existed last year!
What a fantastic idea, a book containing stories from real people detailing how grief has affected them & how they have coped. I wish this book had existed last year when I was newly bereaved & looking for books to relate to.
I am over halfway through this book & already know it is a must have tool for helping me make sense of my emotions, & because of the vast range of stories it will also enable me to offer friends & family support if they ever find themselves dealing with grief

Amazon Customer
Really Moving Book
I found this book very moving. I had suffered with my mental health for many years. After reading other people’s grief stories it gave me a great feel of calmness. I also bought a copy for a friend who is struggling with the loss of her family member as I feel it will also help her get through. Would highly recommend this book.

Real people with Real Stories about their own grief
Heartfelt stories which captures the raw emotions felt by real people. True stories of the effects of death, during & the aftermath.
You won’t want to put the book down - plus I’m a little nosey too.